Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hot Heat, Going Local And Lentil Sweet Potato Patties

Hey Health Nuts!!

Holy smokes has it been HOTT!! And it's technically not even summer yet. Not that I'm complaining because I love it - but this heat (among other great happenings) is going to make this summer one for the books, I can already tell!

Well I am sorry for the little hiatus I had there but big news...I'm in the Local Farmer's Market selling Healthy Desserts!! Getting rid of all of the processed foods and adding Health(ier) sugars, Healthy Fats, Organic and of course Local ingredients are part of what make my desserts soooooo good! Now that I've got the first week under my belt I am ready to go and am not consumed with preparations! I just have to point out how much fun it was!! Connecting with so many like-minded people and even sharing with those that have just begun their dive into Healthy Lifestyle was so amazing and motivating. Plus it's all supporting local farmers and business!

So check out your local Farmer's Market! Get out in the Sun and connect with your tribe!
Living in an area where - lets just say health is not of the utmost's easy to feel discouraged and isolated.  I can't tell you how uplifting it was to see so many people out there searching and wanting good health. When we connect and work together that's when change can happen. Inspire Healthy Living!

Not to be overshadowed by the community that surrounds the Farmer's Market, there are all of the Fresh Local Fruits and Vegetables. I prefer buying local for many reasons but here are my main 4:
1. Vine-Ripened Produce - Since the farms don't have to worry about 
shipping their products halfway around the world they can all their fruits 
and vegetable to mature on the vine so that they reach their maximum 
nutrient density! Plus chemicals/gases aren't used to force a ripe-color
...Mother Nature is responsible for that beauty!
2. Less Pesticides - A lot of the time small farms don't spend the money 
to get Certified Organic...but that doesn't mean they aren't. Usually they 
will use less pesticides, herbicides and fungicides than other 
conventional produce you would buy in the grocery store 
so it's worth inquiring about what is used. 
3. non GMO - Like the Organic Certification, most small farms aren't going 
to spend the money to get this certification either, but you're pretty safe 
in considering Local Produce to be nonGMO. Not only do they not have 
access to the genetically modified seeds, 
most local farmers would go near them anyway.
4. Budget Friendly - one reason that organic produce is more expensive is 
because they have to pay for all of the certifications and then take extra 
caution to get fresh produce to you through the grocery store...
I can't tell you how many times the organic section at my grocery store is molding :( 
even though it is a good sign that it is! 
Buying from local farms is going to be less expensive and is a much 
safer option to feel good about serving your family

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Toxin-Free Homemade Suncreen Lotion Bars

Hiya Sun-Lovers!!

As promised, I finally got all of my supplies together to make Sunscreen Lotion Bars! The recipe is super simple - only 4 ingredients required - and it's working great! So far so good!
Here's the thing, I live at the beach, I am always outside but I don't use sunscreen because of all the dangerous toxins most of them contain. After getting red-nosed more than a couple of times this year I decided that I needed to figure something out and why not make my own? Then I'll know exactly what's in it! The recipe I liked and decided to try I found from MommyPotomas and most of my ingredients I purchased from Amazon (I've provide links!) Not only will this bar protect you from the sun's harmful rays, it also moisturizes and soothes the skin!
*there are some safe sunscreens on the market. click here for a list of what to stay away from and other better alternatives.
(I made 2 bars)

1/3 cup melted extra virgin coconut oil
1/3 cup shea butter (find here)
1/2 cup grated, tightly packed beeswax – about 2 oz weighed (find here)
2 rounded tablespoons uncoated, non-nanoparticle zinc oxide (find here)
Soap Mold or Muffin Tin (silicon molds work awesome!)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Happy June! - Commandment 6: She Works toward Achieving Her Ideal “MomLife”

Hi Lovelies!

Happy Monday, but more importantly Happy June!!

I can’t believe that this year has flown by so fast! School is almost out (3 more days locally!) and the population here at the beach is getting ready to explode!!  Brighter, longer, hotter days are here and I LOVE it!! Don’t you!??!?!?!
Hopefully you are coming off just as amazing of a weekend as I am! It was full inspiration from Juice Plus Allstars plus time with my two favorite people in the entire world: my man and his son! Legos, movies, books, Putt-Putt, Sharkteeth, swimming in the pool (my first saltwater, and I am a total fan), and our new tradition “Taco Sunday” – we had such a blast together and that’s yet another reason that I am so excited about this summer and the memories we’ll make.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Craft Time: Picture Frame

While looking for a picture frame that would hold multiple pictures, I came across one that was super cute: Just a frame with horizontal strings and the pictures were pinned in with tiny little clothes pins. I wanted a big frame that would hold all of my boyfriend's son's sporting pictures in and gift it to him for Father's Day. This was beyond perfect because not only did it hold a bunch of pictures regardless of size, it was so easy to exchange pictures out and put new ones in - perfect for fast growing kiddos!!
I flipped the frame over to check the price...$59.99!!!!
Ohhhhh heck no! I could make that easily I thought and after a quick glance around Pinterest I had a plan!
I knew that I could find little clothes pins and string at AC Moore; that was not problem. The frame took a little more creativity. First I considered making a frame, but that involved buying wood, nailing it together, making sure the corners were a perfect 90 degrees....then I though what if I just use two rods and connect them with string? That was the solution and then duh! There are these old mirrors that I bought years ago (probably around 18 when I first moved out on my own!) from Bed Bath & Beyond and had since painted a metallic silver, which didn't go with the décor my honey and I have going currently. I would pop out the mirror, paint the frame and voila!
gathered my supplies...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Commandment 5: She Moves her Body

Hey Hot Mommas!!

In honor of the next Commandment I thought I should put theory into practice and really get my juices flowing before writing about it! You got it! Number 5 is all about exercise and is truly relevant to any Healthy Lady including a Pre-Pregnancy Momma.
Benefits are basically everything!… and range from elevated & happy mood, improved circulation, weight control, strength, higher energy levels, better sex, improved sleep and regularity, if you know what I mean!
And these benefits can start to be seen even at the slightest increase of physical activity, like walking 10-20 a day. That's pretty amazing that all you have to do is start moving...make One Simple Change!
Commandment 5: She Moves her Body.
All the time we hear how good and necessarily it is to be active, I’m sure by now you get it.  The great thing is that there are only about a million ways to exercise…the secret is finding the one that works for you. That means the one that you enjoy, that’s doable, that you get results at, that suit your personality and so forth.  If you are extraverted than find things that you can do with other people like classes or be involved with your gym. For me, I am pretty introverted and I like exercising alone, which is why running is so perfect for me. It offers me alone time for emotion and stress release - plus I could just turn on my tunes and run for days. Finding what fits and consistency would be my two big tidbits of advice when creating a regular exercise practice; The more often that you do it, the easier it will be and your body will even start to crave it. Trust me, once you get into a routine, your body will not feel the same on the days you have off and you may even finding yourself giving up other less productive activities in order to make time to exercise.